Salaries in USA

Sheet Metal Workers Salary in United States (2024)

The average salary for Sheet Metal Workers in the United States is around $61300 per year.

How much do Sheet Metal Workers make in the United States?

In the United States, Sheet Metal Workers earn an average hourly wage of $29.47 and a mean annual wage of $61300.

Mean Hourly Wage


Mean Annual Wage


Sheet Metal Workers earnings by experience

For Sheet Metal Workers positions in the United States, hourly wages vary widely. The 10th percentile earns approximately $17.1 per hour, while those at the 25th percentile earn about $20 per hour. The median hourly wage stands at $26.61, and at the 75th percentile, it increases to $36.74. The top earners, at the 90th percentile, command an impressive $47.86 hourly.

When considering annual wages for Sheet Metal Workers roles, the distribution remains diverse. At the 10th percentile, workers earn around $35570 annually, while those at the 25th percentile make about $41590 annually. The median annual wage, however, is $55350. For the 75th percentile, the figure rises to $76410, and at the 90th percentile, it peaks at $99560 per year.

Earnings for Starting level Sheet Metal Workers

10th Percentile Hourly Wage


10th Percentile Annual Wage


Earnings for Junior-level Sheet Metal Workers

25th Percentile Hourly Wage


25th Percentile Annual Wage


Earnings for Mid-level Sheet Metal Workers

Median Hourly Wage


Median Annual Wage


Earnings for Senior-level Sheet Metal Workers

75th Percentile Hourly Wage


75th Percentile Annual Wage


Earnings for Top-level Sheet Metal Workers

90th Percentile Hourly Wage


90th Percentile Annual Wage


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